Non - Surgical Gum Treatments

What Are Non – Surgical Gum Treatments?

If you’re like many people, you don’t think much about your gum health. Unfortunately, neglecting your gums can lead to severe problems that may require non-surgical gum treatments. Non-surgical gum treatments are non-invasive treatments used to help restore and maintain the health of your gums. In this article, we’ll explore what non-surgical gum treatments are and why they’re essential for maintaining a healthy mouth.

What are Non-Surgical Gum Treatments?

Non-surgical gum treatments involve any procedure that is non-invasive and does not involve cutting or grafting of any kind. This includes deep cleaning procedures like scaling and root planing, non-invasive laser treatments, and non-surgical periodontal surgery. These treatments treat the underlying causes of gum disease, such as plaque buildup, gingivitis, or periodontitis.

Why is Non-Surgical Gum Treatment Important?

Non-surgical gum treatment is an essential part of maintaining a healthy mouth. Removing plaque from the teeth and gums can help prevent further damage caused by bacteria in the mouth. It can also reduce symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis, such as redness, swelling, bad breath, and bleeding gums. In addition to helping keep your mouth healthy, regular non-surgical gum treatments can also stop the progression of gum disease and even reverse some of the damage already done.

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling/root planing is a non-surgical procedure that removes plaque & tartar below the gum line. During the process, your dentist or hygienist will use special tools to remove any plaque buildup. This helps reduce irritation in your gums and makes it easier for them to heal correctly. They may also smooth out rough spots on the roots of your teeth where bacteria can gather.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment involves using a focused beam of light energy to target problem areas. This non-invasive treatment can help improve oral health by killing bacteria and reducing inflammation. Laser treatments can be used to reduce the size of a pocket between the teeth and gums and remove plaque and tartar buildup.

Non-Surgical Periodontal Surgery

Non-surgical periodontal surgery is an innovative non-invasive procedure used to treat gum disease without cutting or grafting. During this treatment, your dentist will use specialized tools to gently separate the gums from the teeth, allowing them access to clean below the gum line. This helps remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar buildup accumulated in these areas, improving oral health and preventing further damage.

Non-surgical gum treatments are non-invasive procedures used to help restore and maintain the health of your gums. These treatments include deep cleaning procedures, non-invasive laser treatments, and non-surgical periodontal surgery. Regular non-surgical gum treatments can help prevent further damage caused by bacteria in the mouth, reduce symptoms associated with gingivitis and periodontitis, and even stop or reverse some of the damage already done.

Choosing an Abilene dentist means more than just seeking oral care; it’s a commitment to a partnership in well-being. As we conclude, the dedicated dental professionals in Abilene prioritize patient-centric care, employing cutting-edge techniques for comprehensive solutions. Residents can trust that their oral health is in capable hands, ensuring not just treatments but a journey towards enduring smiles. Embrace the relationship with your Abilene dentist, knowing that each visit contributes to a brighter, healthier future for your teeth and an integral part of the flourishing community in Abilene.


Q. What is non-surgical gum treatment?

A: Non-surgical gum treatment is any procedure that is non-invasive and does not involve cutting or grafting of any kind. This includes deep cleaning procedures like scaling and root planing, non-invasive laser treatments, and non-surgical periodontal surgery.

Q. Why is non-surgical gum treatment necessary?

A: Non-surgical gum treatment is an essential part of maintaining a healthy mouth. Removing plaque from the teeth and gums can help prevent further damage caused by bacteria in the mouth. It can also reduce symptoms of gingivitis and periodontitis, such as redness, swelling, bad breath, and bleeding gums.

Q. What types of non-surgical gum treatments are available?

A: The most common non-surgical gum treatments include scaling and root planing, non-invasive laser treatments, and non-surgical periodontal surgery. Your dentist/hygienist will be able to discuss which option is best for you & your oral health needs.